Hippocamplus My Second Memory

MUMmerplots with ggplot2

Update Oct 28 2018: added reference id (rid) to be able to visualize multiple reference regions. Also uploaded the example data somewhere.


MUMmer plot

The MUMmer plot that I want to reproduce showed three contigs overlapping a region of chr 14. I had filtered the delta file with delta-filter -l 10000 -q -r to get only the contigs with the best alignments. I had used mummerplot with the -l layout option to reorder and orient the sequences to have a nice diagonal.

Delta file

The delta file is the default output of the NUCmer alignment script. The format of the delta file is described more here.

The delta file used in this post can be downloaded here. Otherwise, in R:


Read a delta file

readDelta <- function(deltafile){
  lines = scan(deltafile, 'a', sep='\n', quiet=TRUE)
  lines = lines[-1]
  lines.l = strsplit(lines, ' ')
  lines.len = lapply(lines.l, length) %>% as.numeric
  lines.l = lines.l[lines.len != 1]
  lines.len = lines.len[lines.len != 1]
  head.pos = which(lines.len == 4)
  head.id = rep(head.pos, c(head.pos[-1], length(lines.l)+1)-head.pos)
  mat = matrix(as.numeric(unlist(lines.l[lines.len==7])), 7)
  res = as.data.frame(t(mat[1:5,]))
  colnames(res) = c('rs','re','qs','qe','error')
  res$qid = unlist(lapply(lines.l[head.id[lines.len==7]], '[', 2))
  res$rid = unlist(lapply(lines.l[head.id[lines.len==7]], '[', 1)) %>% gsub('^>', '', .)
  res$strand = ifelse(res$qe-res$qs > 0, '+', '-')

mumgp = readDelta("mumplot-example.delta")

mumgp %>% head %>% kable
rs re qs qe error qid rid strand
265577 265842 108520 108254 46 Contig0 chr14:105095800-107043718 -
265577 265842 106438 106172 46 Contig0 chr14:105095800-107043718 -
306695 306968 138241 138515 31 Contig0 chr14:105095800-107043718 +
1016956 1017364 27806 27394 62 Contig0 chr14:105095800-107043718 -
1723715 1723990 34123 33845 26 Contig0 chr14:105095800-107043718 -
1767531 1767813 33842 34123 24 Contig0 chr14:105095800-107043718 +

Filter contigs with poor alignments

For now, I filter contigs simply based on the size of the aligned segment. I keep only contigs with at least one aligned segment larger than a minimum size. Smaller alignment in these contigs are kept if in the same range as the large aligned segments. Eventually, I could also filter segment based on the number/proportion of errors.

filterMum <- function(df, minl=1000, flanks=1e4){
    coord = df %>% filter(abs(re-rs)>minl) %>% group_by(qid, rid) %>%
        summarize(qsL=min(qs)-flanks, qeL=max(qe)+flanks, rs=median(rs)) %>%
        ungroup %>% arrange(desc(rs)) %>%
        mutate(qid=factor(qid, levels=unique(qid))) %>% select(-rs)
    merge(df, coord) %>% filter(qs>qsL, qe<qeL) %>%
        mutate(qid=factor(qid, levels=levels(coord$qid))) %>% select(-qsL, -qeL)

mumgp.filt = filterMum(mumgp, minl=1e4)
mumgp.filt %>% head %>% kable
qid rid rs re qs qe error strand
Contig1475 chr14:105095800-107043718 1663946 1665485 331648 330113 171 -
Contig1475 chr14:105095800-107043718 1662200 1684396 126037 103837 234 -
Contig1475 chr14:105095800-107043718 1581333 1582738 244635 243233 87 -
Contig1475 chr14:105095800-107043718 1597381 1610746 145948 132626 157 -
Contig1475 chr14:105095800-107043718 1610278 1623358 130561 117468 200 -
Contig1475 chr14:105095800-107043718 1616542 1618080 331648 330113 146 -


I’m going for the same style as mummerplot to compare.

ggplot(mumgp.filt, aes(x=rs, xend=re, y=qs, yend=qe, colour=strand)) + geom_segment() +
    geom_point(alpha=.5) + facet_grid(qid~., scales='free', space='free', switch='y') +
    theme_bw() + theme(strip.text.y=element_text(angle=180, size=5),
                       legend.position=c(.99,.01), legend.justification=c(1,0),
                       axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank()) +
    xlab('reference sequence') + ylab('assembly') + scale_colour_brewer(palette='Set1')

Not bad but it would look nicer if we flipped the contigs to have more or less a diagonal.


For each contig, I compute the major strand (strand with most bases aligned) and flip if necessary. The contigs are also ordered based on the reference region with most bases and the weighted means of the start position in this matched reference region.

diagMum <- function(df){
    ## Find best qid order
    rid.o = df %>% group_by(qid, rid) %>% summarize(base=sum(abs(qe-qs)),
                                                    rs=weighted.mean(rs, abs(qe-qs))) %>%
        ungroup %>% arrange(desc(base)) %>% group_by(qid) %>% do(head(., 1)) %>%
        ungroup %>% arrange(desc(rid), desc(rs)) %>%
        mutate(qid=factor(qid, levels=unique(qid)))
    ## Find best qid strand
    major.strand = df %>% group_by(qid) %>%
        summarize(major.strand=ifelse(sum(sign(qe-qs)*abs(qe-qs))>0, '+', '-'),
                  maxQ=max(c(qe, qs)))
    merge(df, major.strand) %>% mutate(qs=ifelse(major.strand=='-', maxQ-qs, qs),
                                       qe=ifelse(major.strand=='-', maxQ-qe, qe),
                                       qid=factor(qid, levels=levels(rid.o$qid)))

mumgp.filt.diag = diagMum(mumgp.filt)

ggplot(mumgp.filt.diag, aes(x=rs, xend=re, y=qs, yend=qe, colour=strand)) +
    geom_segment() + geom_point(alpha=.5) + theme_bw() + 
    facet_grid(qid~., scales='free', space='free', switch='y') +
    theme(strip.text.y=element_text(angle=180, size=5), strip.background=element_blank(),
          legend.position=c(.99,.01), legend.justification=c(1,0),
          axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank()) +
    xlab('reference sequence') + ylab('assembly') + scale_colour_brewer(palette='Set1')

What we were aiming at:

Pretty good.

To also represent multiple reference regions in separate facets, change the facet_grid commands. Here we have only one reference region but the command would be:

ggplot(mumgp.filt.diag, aes(x=rs, xend=re, y=qs, yend=qe, colour=strand)) +
    geom_segment() + geom_point(alpha=.5) + theme_bw() + 
    facet_grid(qid~rid, scales='free', space='free', switch='y') +
    theme(strip.text.y=element_text(angle=180, size=5), strip.background=element_blank(),
          legend.position=c(.99,.01), legend.justification=c(1,0),
          axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank()) +
    xlab('reference sequence') + ylab('assembly') + scale_colour_brewer(palette='Set1')

See also this GitHub issue.

Percent identity and coverage

Another useful MUMmerplot represents the position of each aligned segment and its percent similarity.

This graph could be useful to decide which size/similarity threshold to use when filtering low alignments.

mumgp %<>% mutate(similarity=1-error/abs(qe-qs))
mumgp.filt %<>% mutate(similarity=1-error/abs(qe-qs))

ggplot(mumgp, aes(x=rs, xend=re, y=similarity, yend=similarity)) + geom_segment() +
    theme_bw() + xlab('reference sequence') + ylab('similarity') + ggtitle('All contigs') +

ggplot(mumgp.filt, aes(x=rs, xend=re, y=similarity, yend=similarity)) + geom_segment() +
    theme_bw() + xlab('reference sequence') + ylab('similarity') +
    ggtitle('At least 10 Kbp aligned') + ylim(0,1)

To better highlighted which region in the reference is covered, I annotate each base of the reference with the maximum similarity.

maxSimilarityDisjoin <- function(df){
  ref.ir = GRanges('X', IRanges(df$rs, df$re), similarity=df$similarity)
  ## Efficient clean up of low similarity within high similarity
  step = 1
    largealign = ref.ir[head(order(rank(-ref.ir$similarity), rank(-width(ref.ir))),step*1000)]
    ol = findOverlaps(ref.ir, largealign, type='within') %>% as.data.frame %>%
               simL=largealign$similarity[subjectHits]) %>% filter(simW<simL)
    if(length(largealign) == length(ref.ir)){
      step = 0
    } else {
      step = step + 1
    ref.ir = ref.ir[-ol$queryHits]
  ## Disjoin and annotate with the max similarity
  ref.dj = disjoin(c(ref.ir, GRanges('X', IRanges(min(df$rs), max(df$rs)), similarity=0)))
  ol = findOverlaps(ref.ir, ref.dj) %>% as.data.frame %>%
      mutate(similarity=ref.ir$similarity[queryHits]) %>%
      group_by(subjectHits) %>% summarize(similarity=max(similarity))
  ref.dj$similarity = 0
  ref.dj$similarity[ol$subjectHits] = ol$similarity

mumgp.sim = maxSimilarityDisjoin(mumgp)

mumgp.sim %>% select(similarity, start, end) %>% gather(end, pos, 2:3) %>%
    ggplot() + geom_line(aes(x=pos, y=similarity), alpha=.5, color='red') + theme_bw() +
    xlab('reference sequence') + ylab('similarity') + ggtitle('All contigs') + ylim(0,1) +
    geom_segment(aes(x=rs, xend=re, y=similarity, yend=similarity), data=mumgp)

ggplot(mumgp.sim) + geom_segment(aes(x=start, xend=end, yend=similarity, y=similarity),
                                 color='red', size=2) +
    theme_bw() + xlab('reference sequence') + ylab('similarity') + ylim(0,1) +
    geom_segment(aes(x=rs, xend=re, y=similarity, yend=similarity), data=mumgp)

With this graph we could compare different assemblies or before/after filtering:

mumgp.filt.sim = maxSimilarityDisjoin(mumgp.filt)

mumgp.filt.m = rbind(mumgp.sim %>% mutate(filter='before'),
                     mumgp.filt.sim %>% mutate(filter='after'))

mumgp.filt.m %>% select(similarity, start, end, filter) %>% gather(end, pos, 2:3) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=pos, y=similarity, colour=filter)) + geom_line(alpha=.8) + theme_bw() +
    xlab('reference sequence') + ylab('similarity') + ylim(0,1) +

Not so pretty but we see that a few region are not covered any more after our filtering. Maybe something like this instead :

mumgp.filt.m %>% filter(similarity==0) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=start, xend=end, y=filter, yend=filter)) + geom_segment(size=10) +
    theme_bw() + xlab('reference sequence') + ylab('filter') +
    scale_colour_brewer(palette='Set1') + ggtitle('Reference regions not covered')